1-The Power of Gratitude
When I was almost four years old, my mother told me as she was putting me to bed one night:
“Son before you go to sleep tonight make sure you count your blessings.”
Great truths are often hidden within such simple words.
Those who count their blessings, and those who are grateful, have more blessings and fulfillment in life. This is a simple principle, but it has the power to change your life and those you come in contact with.
A therapist will bring healing to anyone they come in contact with, if they work from a space of love, gratitude, certainty and presence.
In fact anybody in the healing arts who applies these four things, will become a master healer. Anybody who goes to a healer with these principles, will experience a healing process. Any person seeking healing who has these four things, will heal.
Let me go into greater detail of how each of these four pillars contributes to healing.
1. The first pillar is love.
There is no greater healer on this planet than the feeling of love.
Love is the result of a heart that is open and not distorted by the emotions of lopsided perceptions.
Years ago I was the president of the Cancer Control Association in Houston, lecturing on what I believed to be the cause of cancer. Most of the things I lectured on then, is now mainstream, but at the time it was considered unorthodox.
Carl Simons advocated a technique where you visualized the leukocytes attacking and destroying the cancer cells. He wrote about its effect in helping cancer at the time. That was the paradigm he was in, and even that was a major jump forward in terms of understanding the mind’s power over the body.
Today however he says, “Instead of visualizing them attacking the cancer cells, imagine them loving the cancer cells and being grateful that they are bringing to your attention the issues in your life you haven’t loved.” Carl realized that everything serves the purpose of teaching love, thus everything in life is a lesson of love.
I define illness as the illusions of health and disease, and wellness as the synthesis.
Anything we see that is not loved, is our lie. It creates uncertainties or our desire to fix and change things – it’s a dissipation of energy which is called disease. Every emotion we have has its metaphysical manifestation in the body. The body’s manifestation is trying to wake us up to the lie that we are living.
2. The second pillar is gratitude
Gratitude is an absolute appreciation for life.
Just as with wealth you must have appreciation in order for it to grow, so too with your body.
If it’s not growing, it’s decaying and disease is simply a decay process. If we’re not appreciative, we can’t grow.
If it’s not growing, it’s decaying and disease is simply a decay process. If we’re not appreciative, we can’t grow.
Gratitude and appreciation is an absolutely essential component of the growth and maintenance of a body.
In fact your body will give you symptoms and create disease to try to get you to appreciate it.
If you had only 24 hours to live, do you know what you would do?
You would go to the people you love and say to them: “I love you and I appreciate you. I am so grateful for everything you have contributed to my life.” When you’re down to the last moments of life you start prioritizing. The highest priority is love and gratitude.
There is no higher priority that any human being will have.
All of us are on spiritual missions, having a spiritual body inside a physical/metaphysical body, and that is here for the sole purpose of learning lessons of love and gratitude.
Everything we do in all the seven areas of life will be teaching us exactly that. To the degree we learn those lessons we will unfold our full potential both physically and metaphysically, and to the degree we don’t we sabotage that potential.
When you are grateful for life you open up the gateway of the heart. This love is always waiting there to eternally express itself in the form of light or illumination in our consciousness, which brings organization and order to human physiology. Science shows that love and appreciation organize and bring order to cell structures on a molecular level.
3. The third pillar is certainty
Certainty is a by-product of gratitude and love.
When you are certain, you don’t waver between past remembered guilts and future imagined fears. You are present, and hence the fourth pillar is presence.
4. The fourth pillar is presence
Love, gratitude, certainty, presence are the four cardinal pillars that specifically support the dome of healing.
And guess what? We all have the potential to be a healer.
In ancient times and cultures there existed individuals whose span of experience and study embraced broad scopes of knowledge. They were called philosophers. In our modern era specialists reign and the general man of letters educate future specialists, therefor true modern day philosophers rarely occur.
Dr. John Demartini is one of those rare and gifted individuals. His scope of experience and knowledge has encompassed the intricacies of cosmology, the mysteries of theology, and also the magical essence of clinical psychology and healing. He has researched the great classical writings of both the Orient and the Occident. Most noteworthy he synthesized the message of the great Masters of the past and present.
Dr. John Demartini is a human behavior specialist, educator and international best-selling author. He is also the founder of the Demartini Institute.
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