Become More Positive…by Using These Ten Powerful Phrases

Whether you are leading a company, a department, a volunteer committee, friends, or your children, you’ll find that positive phrases are infectious and concentrated fuel for change. Looking for the good and complimenting others rather than complaining and finding fault, can cause dramatic change – one in which we would all lift each other up. Every society needs people who can encourage and stimulate and cheer. They are the ones who make the world run. You can be one of them!
Ten Positive Phrases by Rich DeVos from his book, TEN Powerful Phrases for Positive People:
1) I’m wrong. Saying “I’m wrong” is one of the most difficult phrases to say and genuinely mean it. It is difficult to admit when we are wrong, and even harder still to say out loud. It is all part of this shift in our decision to create a positive atmosphere instead of a negative one. Our outward expression of admitting wrong can serve as an example of our willingness to change and can also inspire others to change in positive ways. None of us are perfect; we all make mistakes. Our first inclination is to furiously defend our position rather than admit to someone or ourselves that we are wrong. In those unsettling moments when we are wrong, we need to adjust our thinking by accepting our mistake and considering how we can best settle things with the other person. Summoning the courage to say “I’m wrong” is how we cope with difficult situations.
2) I’m Sorry. Along with saying “I’m wrong,” we have to be sorry for it. It is amazing how many problems disappear once we decide to say we’re sorry; all the anger and emotion fall away. Saying “I’m sorry” shows that we are able to see the other person’s point of view; it validates your concern for them and the desire to patch the relationship that otherwise might be damaged. “I’m wrong” and “I’m sorry” are companions.
3) You Can Do It. Being positive is a decision – something we can learn if we focus on looking for what’s good in other people; if you are a positive person, your attitude will also rub off on others. The value of creating a positive atmosphere is significant when you realize that positive actions stem from a positive attitude; and a positive attitude is developed when we are in the right atmosphere. A “can do” attitude begins with being surrounded by parents, teachers, friends, supervisors, and employers who create an atmosphere in your heart and mind that “you can do it.” We all have a great opportunity to be positive people who encourage more “can do” people.
4) I believe in you. One of the most effective ways we can help others achieve their dreams is to assure them, “I believe in you.” To achieve, we all must believe in ourselves; we must believe that we can be the winner, the achiever, the successful person who reaches goals. As a parent, friend, supervisor, employer, we should attempt to do whatever we can to let these people know we believe in them – to encourage them to believe in themselves and go on to achieve more than they thought possible. Imagine the impact on the lives of people to whom you say, “I believe in you.” You’re saying you have faith in their abilities to achieve something that is yet to be done. With each little success they begin to believe in themselves a little more.
5) I’m proud of you. As wonderful as it is to take pride in our accomplishments, the power of that feeling is multiplied manifold when others go out of their way to announce to us, “I’m proud of you.” Recognition encourages us to use our God-given talents to do the best. You can help people grow and give them hope when you tell them, “I’m proud of you.” Better yet, put it in writing in a thoughtful note.
6) Thank you. Saying “thank you” is an acknowledgment of the other person’s generosity. It recognizes the other person’s kindness and the effort that person made to think of us. “Thank you” says we appreciate a job well done and the time someone devoted to develop his or her talents to perform for us. Saying thank you and gestures of thanks are expressions of our love or kind thoughts about an individual. Whenever we give even a small gift, the saying really is true that “it’s the thought that counts.” But what is most important is that we put our thoughts into action with a gesture: a card, a gift, or any expression of thank you that says, “I appreciate you.”
7) I need you. People love being needed; we get a sense of purpose when we know we are needed. “I need you” is a powerful phrase for positive people because it acknowledges that each of us is created for a purpose and to fulfill a need. People are not like surplus parts; when we know we are needed, we feel better about ourselves, perform better, and even want to do more to show how much we are truly needed. Whatever the nature of any meaningful relationship, it is built in a large part on mutual need; there is no I in team!
8) I trust you. Saying “I trust you” is a powerful phrase that helps cement relationships among people who depend upon each other. We need trust as our personal, unwritten contact with our primary partner, family, friends, and co-workers. We need to say “I trust you” as a sign of the confidence we hold in people with whom we share a special bond in supporting relationships. We need to level with people at all times, whatever our answer. If you speak to people honestly, you will always have their trust.
9) I respect you. You must earn respect by showing respect. Each person has value and is gifted in some way. No matter what or who they are or what they do, everyone is important to someone. Therefore, we learn to respect them. Earning and showing respect begins with listening to people and sincerely respecting their points of view. Everyone has some achievement in his or her life. If you ask someone a few questions and learn a little about that person, you’ll discover reasons to say, “I respect you.” Respect becomes part of your nature when you show an interest in people and listen.
10)I love you. To say “I love you” and mean it with all of your heart has remarkable power. ”I love you” is a powerful phrase that expresses the way we feel about people – whether it’s romantic love, family relationships, or even a close friend – it is a form of love. Love can come in many shapes; you can love someone in a very personal way, your children in a slightly different way, and people you need in your life in yet a different form of love. We need to find ways to express our love to others with whom we have close relationships or who play important roles in our lives. Saying “I love you” is a warmer way to express ourselves; it is a more tender way to express our feelings for people we admire and appreciate. Love is a term of great trust and belief – the strongest term you can use to speak to another person if you feel that way about them.
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